The ISN platform is as robust as all-in-one home inspection software comes. In 2023, we dedicated many product, design, and engineering resources into making ISN even better with more features, faster speeds, and improved stability. In doing so, we’ve upgraded our back-end infrastructure to ensure the ISN platform is reliable no matter where you utilize our solution — desktop, mobile, or tablet.
Meanwhile, our native app didn’t offer the power, flexibility, and ease of use that inspectors deserve. We knew it wasn’t a finished product by any means. Over time, we’ve listened to your feedback across the platform and are excited to share what’s new for you today:
- ISN App: enhanced usability and functionality for all users and owners
- ISN core product updates: 24 features in total, including six of our most requested items
- Florida inspectors: we’re releasing something extra special for you in the ISN Report Writer (stay tuned for more details shortly)
As always, we’re continuing to make investments in the ISN platform and look forward to sharing them with you throughout 2024. For now, say hello to the revamped ISN App and our six most requested platform updates.
Meet the Refreshed ISN App
The ISN app is not only new and improved, it’s completely revamped. Today’s news breaks down the functionality for all ISN users and owners.
Comprehensive Features for All Users
Biometric Login Options
Introducing a new layer of security and convenience with biometric authentication for accessing the app.
Advanced Offline Mode Support
Enhanced capabilities ensure the app remains fully functional even in areas with limited or no internet connectivity. Use your biometrics log–in to stay in sync, even when offline.

Redesigned Home Page
A more intuitive and user-friendly interface with quick actions to streamline your navigation process, such as Write Report, Reschedule Inspection, Contact Customer, and Contact Agent.
Revamped Inspection Details Page
Simplified editing processes and a new, efficient approach to report writing, complemented by the innovative ISN Report Writer. What else is new?
- Time Tracker for every inspection
- Send reminders for Agreements and Payments using your email templates
- Inline editing of Inspection Details
- Get driving directions
- Sticky button for report writing

Improved Calendar Functionality
Our agenda view is larger with color-coded tabs that show your inspections for the chosen day, aligning with your inspector assignments for easy and clear schedule management. Not only that, but it’s now easier to switch between the calendar and the map/agenda. Simply close the new bottom sheet and voila! You’re right back on the map.
The new calendar view also gives you:
- Up to five weeks of appointments without scrolling
- Driving directions that automatically open your native driving app
Seamless Driving Directions
Direct integration of navigation features within the app to facilitate hassle-free travel to inspection locations.

Optimized Agent and Customer Details Screens
These screens have been overhauled for better clarity and more comprehensive information access. In particular:
- The ability to start an order for an Agent or a Client
- The details screens list appointments for an agent or client
- Shows the agent’s or client’s photo if present
- Inline editing of agent or client details
Time Clock Per Inspection
A new feature to accurately track and log time spent on each inspection, enhancing time management and reporting accuracy. This added functionality makes it easier to refer to past appointments and become more efficient with future inspections.
Comprehensive Features for Owner Users
My Company Statistics
A tailored dashboard providing key business statistics, designed to aid in strategic decision-making and business growth. Think of it as your one-stop source to view:
- A roll up of revenue, inspection count, and average fee
- Daily, weekly, and monthly summary
- Leaderboard metrics by Inspector, Agent, or Service

All-in-One Calendar View
An innovative solution for business owners to view all inspector appointments in a unified, color-coded calendar, enhancing operational oversight. This feature is beneficial for all ISN accounts, but can only be accessed by the Owner user.
Core Product Updates
Whether you’re a new or established home inspector, these six enhancements are the most requested and we’re proud to make the ISN platform simpler and easier to use so your firm can grow revenue and scale.
Note: The following updates are now available in the ISN desktop application, not the mobile app.
- Multiple clients can now be added to an order (including changes/updates to order form, email, SMS, invoicing, client agreement flow). Since multiple people can be involved in a home purchase, ISN wanted to provide a way to add multiple clients to an order. We’ll be rolling this feature out to companies in phases and have created Help articles to help with setup and troubleshooting.
- Made inspector selection sensitive to what services they can perform on the Order Form. This enhancement makes the process of scheduling inspectors more efficient because ISN will recommend inspectors who can perform the types of services and inspections that are on the order.
- Added a link to the inspection order inside of a Radon calendar event. This was a highly requested enhancement that makes it easier to review the inspection that is associated with a Radon event from the calendar.
- Begin sending automated nightly emails to inspectors who only have Radon pickup/drop-offs scheduled for the next day. This feature helps alert inspectors that they have Radon-related events the next day even if they don’t have any inspections scheduled.
- Enhancements to the way inspection type upgrades are selected in the agreement/payment client flow. These updates help inspection clients see the changes to their total fees if they choose to upgrade during the agreement and payment flow.
- Added the ability to input W9 and Bank Account information securely so that ISN can pay inspectors faster and more efficiently if they are using FlexFund and/or enrolled in the Evergreen program
But wait – that’s not all! In addition to the six most requested features above, we deployed these 17 (yep, we said it, 17!) updates too:
- Added Agent labels to the REST/Agent API
- Added Role and Agent info to notification email that is sent when an order is started in the Online Scheduler to assist with follow-up
- Added ability to choose whether inspection is residential or commercial on the Order Form
- Added the ability to de-select a user from the “Marketed By” control
- Added the ability to opt an Agent out of FlexFund
- Added Agent and Client Mobile to the Zapier integration
- Added a way to sort by Agents who do not have a label applied to them
- Added the ability to opt an Agent out of Evergreen
- Added a new email template for Agents that explains the value of getting seller to pay for FlexFund as part of closing cost concessions
- Added a “last modified” (sortable) column on the Email Event page
- Began automatically setting the first agreement uploaded to ISN as a company’s default agreement
- Re-skinned 12 highly used pages on Web (including Online Scheduler)
- Ability to enable/disable Evergreen program and select which services/inspection types should be included in the program
- New Appointments flow for ISN customers who enable Evergreen, which leads to a “warmer” handoff to Porch Concierge team and helps inspectors earn commissions as part of the value prop of the program
- Added ability to opt a client/inspection out of Evergreen
- Enhancements to how “new totals” are displayed in Service upgrade options in the agreement/payment client flow
- Allowing multiple clients to be added to an order (including changes/updates to order form, email, SMS, invoicing, client agreement flow)
Check Out the Refreshed ISN app
It’s one thing to read about the product updates, but another to experience them. Download the new and improved ISN app today — it’s the best yet! You’ll be glad you did.