Today’s episode of The Ride Along Podcast is an origin story, but not the story you think.
It’s the origin story of the home inspection industry as we all know it!
Meet Kathleen Kuhn, former President & CEO of HouseMaster for 20+ years (the first home inspection company to franchise). She’s been in the industry since the early 1980s, so she’s seen (and done) it all. Not only that, her father kickstarted the industry by helping define the standards of practice and encouraging the initial companies to meet and form the American Society of Home Inspectors. (Fun fact: her father designed the logo they still use today!)
Tune in as she recalls inspectors renting out hotels for public seminars to educate home buyers on inspections and why realtors are still the biggest channel to closing more business. She also explains why inspections need to be considered educational tools, not negotiation tactics for home buyers.
The episode closes with Kathleen providing her top three tips to succeeding in the industry (even if you’re an expert!) and why host Brad Lowery urges inspectors to market their business on the same level as realtors.
Also, don’t miss the second installment of the new “Wise Words with Wally” segment at the top of the episode, featuring an interview with home inspection veteran Wally Conway!
Where else can you get this level of insight and practical advice? Nowhere but The Ride Along!
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